Thermometer +
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With this beautiful application you can check temperature and weather anytime and anywhere*.
Thermometer+ features a dynamic interface that will not only show you the current temperature but also the local weather conditions.
* Current Temperature
* General conditions
* Hourly updated weather
* Dynamic photo backgrounds
* Icon badge displaying current temperature (12 hour forecast)
* Possibility to pick a location by a city name or a zip code
* Detailed live weather conditions:
- Wind speed
- Wind direction
- Humidity
- Pressure
* 5-day forecast
* Imperial/Metric system switch
*This weather application works only in United States of America. Application requires a working GPS module and Internet connection to download weather data.
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Romney Slams Obama With ' horses and bayonets ? Quip, Twitter Explodes Both Romney and President Obama now two more weeks sweat to get it before the 6th November election.During the 90-minute debate, the former Massachusetts governor with sweat on his face, particularly upper lip upper lip download Thermometer + 1.0 apk . Considering that non-verbal communication plays an equally important role, what the candidates really say in these face - offs, his sweat drew predictable a lot of attention.
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