суббота, 31 мая 2014 г.

CutoutCam Pro apk free download

CutoutCam Pro


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This is the PRO version of CutoutCam (free).

IMPORTANT: please try the free version first. CutoutCam might not be compatible with your phone, so I would suggest to try before you buy ;)

PRO Features:


* loading images

* scaling, rotating & mirroring of loaded images

* saving custom shapes

* more predefined shapes

* editing shapes

* reloading of "old paths"

* better (configurable) image quality

* export as PNG file

Creating collages or photo mashups with CutoutCam is a matter of seconds. You take a photo, cut out a hole and take another photo which fits into it. You can repeat this process endless times. That way you can be a creative artist or just a prankster who sticks vegetables on his friends heads.

It's simple - but powerful!

Use whatever you need for you collages and mashups: wood, stone, skin, sky and fabric or even your TV or computer screen - simply by taking photos.

If you have ideas how CutoutCam could be improved, let me know! Drop me a mail at info@cutoutcam.com

Keywords: collage, cutout, camera, edit, photo, effects, photoshop, pictures, cut out, stencil, hoax


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the scripts for the two films delivered very soon, said McKellen on the Hobbit download CutoutCam Pro 3.10.1 apk free . 'll 'll have budgeted, and then they will be cast. And they go, when they have always said they were what? Next spring March or April. Guillermo even told me at one point: We are going to film for 383 days. He is have the artistic autism! Jackson is the same, they are very, very similar. Last year,also very different, but they have so much in common. Both can not stand Hollywood and have wonderful ideas, and they're both obsessed with blood and fantasy. They laugh a lot. Guillermo is one of the most brilliant men I have ever met. His English vocabulary is so superior to me?

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