среда, 1 октября 2014 г.

Klein's Medical Reference apk free download

Klein's Medical Reference


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Created by a fourth-year medical student, Klein's Medical Reference is an app designed for use by medical students, residents, nurses and physicians' assistants when going through their clinical rotations in the hospital. It includes some of the most commonly-referenced information that healthcare providers require at a moment's notice on the wards: normal ranges for lab values, templates for notes and orders, medical Spanish phrases, and calculators for some of the most commonly-needed values. It also includes a "pimpology" section, which discusses the most common questions and answers that attendings ask medical students!

The full list of features includes:

-Normal Lab Values

-Lab Skeleton Templates

-$4 prescription lists

-Analgesic equivalences

-Childhood vaccination schedule

-Notes and Orders Templates

-Fluids and Electrolyte Replacement Guidance

-Medical Abbreviations

-Medical Spanish

-Calculators and Formulas


Feature suggestions can be e-mailed to kleinsmedref@gmail.com.

Download .apk

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