Rss Feed Reader
News & Magazines
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Powerful feed reader for use with or without Google Reader.
Feature list:
- Import feeds from google Reader
- Add/Modify/Remove single feed
- Organize feeds in categories
- Special Folders : Starred, Unread, Latest, Last24h
- Navigate news through categories or special folders
- Automatic update
- Search (search text in title or news body)
- Import/Export (backup/restore your data and configuration)
- View news on line or off line
- Widget (to use widgets please install the app to internal memory)
- Open news in Google mobilizer
- Share news (email, twitter, ... )
Highly configurable
- Choose default viewer (on line, off line, google mobilizer)
- Text size and color
- Screen Orientation
- Show/Hide special folders
- Start and Stop update service
- Start update service on boot
- Show notification (sound, light)
- Reload interval for update service
- Enable/Disable automatic backup
- Enable/Disable nightly update
- Auto clean up old news
SEO: RSS, Feed, Google Reader
For more info, view on line tutorial.
For every question (bug, suggestion, ...) send me email (you can do that through about panel in preferences).
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Doug Hughes, the veteran theater director, the line the new version of the new version of 'Enemy', he said, leaning his first impulse to Ibsen to update 1880 work in the 1930s, but he other ways to modernize it found. 'These dramatic revival, even if they are the work very seriously, are really the lowest risk,'said Todd Haimes, artistic director of the not-for-profit Roundabout Theatre Company, the production is 'Cyrano. Woolf ' revival ' characters can also shift ', for example, George is a bit more equal footing with wife Martha after opponents of Letts download Rss Feed Reader apk . New York seems a period of three hours and a flood of Alcohol emotional cruelty, 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf 'would be like an anomaly in today's frilly Broadway. Time, they were must be a healthy balance between new work and our dramatic heritage,'said Broadway producer Jeffrey Richards, who attempt both this season, have the production of 'The Anarchist 'and 'Virginia Woolf'and 'you , ', ''Glengarry.
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