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Get April and Wayne Show App for christian videos, Illuminati expose videos, christian skits, and more! With more than 7 million total views AprilandWayneShow shares the truth to many around the world! Also, AprilandWayneShow videos that are blocked on Youtube (in all or some countries) will be available on the app! Most of the proceeds from the app will go to upgrading the app and to the ministry.
*Developed by April and Wayne's daughter
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Warner Bros is planning her future, with a couple of major new release dates. First up, reported ERCBoxOffice Clint Eastwood's J download AprilandWayneShow 1.3 free android app . Edgar, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as J. Edgar Hoover, is now limited release on 9th November, in the autumn, with a big expansion soon after. This film is also stars Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, Josh Lucas and others, and as a serious Oscar contender. WB has also Alfonso Cuar? N new sci-fi Gravity in 3D, starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, for publication on 21 November 2012 is set in the next year. Updates for Journey 2 and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close below.
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