среда, 2 апреля 2014 г.

MiniRead Pro apk free download

MiniRead Pro

News & Magazines

Download .apk

Never miss any News Headline, Blog Update, Sports Score, RSS feed, Music Release alert or any Internet Content and see the updates moving on your device screen in real time. Just search and add what you want to see and this app will display those particular updates in mini window in news ticker style. Keep doing your everyday tasks on your device and mini read will never make you miss an update as you'll get real time feeds on your phone screen on top of your other tasks.

Mini read window can be easily customized and can be placed anywhere on your device screen.

1) You can change text font size.

2) Background color

3) Text color

4) Data refresh time interval

5) speed of moving text

So get this app mini read and experience a new way of keeping yourself updated.You can search and start getting updates of any of the following or any other of your choice:-

News Category:- Yahoo News, CNN Interactive, BBC News, New York Times, The weather Channel, Google News, FoxNews.com, NBC News, The Guardian, The Times Of India, My Yahoo, Forbes Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, USA Today, Washington Post, ABC News, ShutterStock, Dudge Report, Bloomberg, Time Magazine, Los Angeles Times, Accuweather

Business:- The Economic Times, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times News, International Business Times, The Economist, bizjournals, SFGate, MoneyControl, Yahoo Finance

Sports:- Yahoo Sports, ESPN, ESPN Cricinfo, NBA.com, Bleacher Report, BBC Sport Football, LiveScore, NHL.com, IPL, Fox Sports, NFL, ESPN SportZone, CBS Sports, Sky Sports, Premier League, WWE, British Eurosport

Gadgets:- EnGadget, Gizmodo, Tom Hardware, Crave, DigitalTrends, TheVerge , GSM Arena, Slashgear, BGR, DVICE, UberGizmo, TechEBlog, Coolest Gadgets, Geeky Gadgets.

Some Unique features about app:-

1) It is a unique app in android market which display any news headline Or any RSS feed in news ticker style like News channels show on bottom/top of TV screen which keeps on moving automatically.

2) Moving information is always in front of user and therefore no chance that anyone will miss out any breaking news/headline or any rss feed update.

3) Just tap on any moving article to open the detailed content in browser. (Available only in pro version)

4) Miniread window which displays the headline can be placed anywhere on the android device by dragging it. It has some predefined positions also which user can choose like top of screen, bottom of screen or center of screen.

5) Miniread window is fully customizable.

6) The best thing about app is that it supports RSS feeds Search functionality. Just search for any keyword and you will get all the RSS feeds result for that particular keyword. For eg. If you want to read BBC news then just search for "BBC News" and app will search out automatically the feeds associated with it. You don't need to type the feed URL.

7) Also App has one section which already has existing popular feeds to choose from.


Download .apk

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