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This is a rhyming dictionary, along with it, I have a website, http://ift.tt/1hultws, that will show you how to write lyrics, poems that rhyme. I have written dozens of them.
You can watch the youtube video below, or here: http://ift.tt/1hulrVi
You can search for word beginnings like pre for preventive, pregame.
You can search for word endings like tion for vibration... You are not limited to a three letters search. It could be 2 or 4 or any number. This app has more results, and better accuracy than any other. This is the app for word manipulation.
This is the app that the world has been waiting for.
with this app, you are guaranteed to write lyrics faster and easier or your money back. It makes writing lyrics or poems a matter no longer to consider. I write poems everyday and I ready them everyday because it moves me. You can also write poems or lyrics that move the human soul and hopefully influence the world.
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